Benefits Blog

Evaluating and Strengthening Your Employee Health Benefits Through a DE&I Lens

Employee health benefits are a key area where employers need to focus their DE&I efforts. With three-quarters of employers (76%) ranking health benefits as their top priority to support their workforce1, there will need to be an increased focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) to ensure benefits offerings meet all employees’ needs – especially the under-served.

Why DE&I matters in healthcare benefits

Employees from marginalized communities often face unique health challenges and barriers to healthcare access, which have high long-term costs for employers in terms of medical and disability claims and worker productivity. Deloitte estimated health inequities related to race, socioeconomic status, and sex/gender account for $320 billion annual health care costs2. By tailoring health benefits to under-served populations, companies can bridge the healthcare gap, promote equitable health outcomes for all and help reduce rising healthcare costs.

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Leading by Listening: How to Support the Mental Health Needs of Your LGBTQ+ Employees

The LGBTQ+ community has and continues to bring value and unique perspectives to the workforce. Knowing that their employers stand by them can help employees feel safe in their workplace, which is critical to ensuring that the workforce has the diverse thoughts, perspectives and people we need for today’s world.

Part of standing by your LGBTQ+ employees means helping support their mental health. LGBTQ+ individuals have unique mental health needs. These individuals may face threats, violence, rejection and lack of acceptance in the community, as well as issues with accessing affirming care. We know from our own families and friendships that having an accepting, supportive workspace with validating mental health benefits also helps the loved ones of those in the community who already worry about their safety every day. 

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Creating a Culture of Wellness: How to Foster Employee Wellbeing from the Top-Down

In today's fast-paced work environments, the need for a workplace culture of wellness has become increasingly essential. Employee wellbeing is no longer just a personal responsibility; it is now recognized as a key driver of productivity, engagement, and overall organizational success.  In the recent study published by, "The State of Employee Financial Wellness," we learn that 21% of employers are looking to expand their wellbeing benefits this year, with the goals of improving employee mental health, becoming an employer of choice, and improving employee retention. 

To establish and nurture a culture of wellness, it is crucial for HR and benefits professionals to collaborate with team leaders and gain their buy-in and active involvement.  This blog explores the significance of leadership in promoting employee wellbeing and providing actionable guidance on fostering a culture of wellness at all levels of the organization.

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