Location: Westin Waltham Hotel | 70 3rd Avenue | Waltham, MA | (781) 290-5600 |
20th Annual Best Practices Conference - Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation!
Cost: $260 members; $335 non-members
Register Now or Call 781-684-8700 for assistance
For the 20th consecutive year, we will honor New England's Best Benefit Practices with our coveted Best Practices Award, and recognize Rising Stars in the benefits field.
Attend the conference to:
- Celebrate 20 years of innovation;
- Honor the region's latest Best Benefit Practices with our coveted Best Practices Award and, new this year, Wellness Excellence Award;
Check out the winners!
- Recognize new benefit professionals who have demonstrated exceptional promise, dedication and accomplishment with our Rising Star Award;
Check out the winners!
- Learn about some of the hottest topics in employee benefits, which may yield future best practices!
Keynote Speaker
Defining Moments
Being Your Best: Setting Goals, Not Limits
Dave McGillivray
Founder of DMSE Sports,
Race Director of the BAA Boston Marathon,
Philanthropist, Motivational Speaker, Accomplished Athlete
Featured Speakers
Financial Wellbeing Programs: Measuring Success and ROI to Employers
Lori Lucas
President and CEO
Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) | Washington, DC
Health Care Cost Drivers – Tested and Potential Solutions
This session will dive into three key drivers of rising health care costs
and how employers and other payers are or could proactively address these trends.
Provider Cost Variations
Ray Campbell III
Executive Director, Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA)
Prescription Drug Pricing
Sarah Emond
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER)
Vertical and Provider Consolidation
Sandra Wolitzky
Assistant Attorney General, Health Care Division, Office of Massachusetts Attorney General
Moderated by Rosemarie Day, President, Day Health Strategies
The MA Grand Bargain – Steps to Take Now to Prepare
for This Groundbreaking Legislation
This session will include an overview of the new law,
what is being done at the state level to prepare, and implementation considerations for employers.
Rosalin Acosta
Secretary of Labor & Workforce Development
Michael Doheny
General Counsel for Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD)
Best Practices Conference Agenda
Thank you to our 20th Anniversary Best Practices Sponsors
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